Starting from the accepted view that successful business, development, satisfaction of service users as well as employee satisfaction and the level of environmental protection depend on the level of quality and safety of Zadar Airport d.o.o., the Director of Zadar Airport d.o.o. adopts the following
With the quality and environmental policy, Zadar Airport d.o.o. provides in all segments of the business of the ground handling sector, the level of service quality and safety, with the least possible harmful impact on the environment that is in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system and according to the valid legal regulations and the requirements of the interested parties.
The quality of the ground handling services, and general business of Zadar Airport d.o.o. is the primary objective of the Company, which depends on the assessment of users of our services. For this reason, the measure of the quality of our services is precisely the evaluation of our users. By applying the methods of analyzing the customer satisfaction, we monitor the operation of the quality management system, with the purpose of continuous improvement based on a process approach and risk identification and processing in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
We are a professional and environmentally conscious company that continuously reviews the impact of processes and procedures on the environment. We strive to provide services to our customers with the least possible harmful impact on the environment. When choosing the technologies we apply, we consider the potential effects on the environment and decide on those technologies that produce fewer negative effects on the environment. We manage natural resources responsibly, while respecting all legal regulations, preventing environmental pollution when we can affect it, while protecting the health and safety of both service users and our employees.
The company's management will continuously and responsibly improve the efficiency of the management system in accordance with all applicable regulations and requirements of the interested parties. For this purpose, the management will provide the necessary resources, which primarily means the necessary training of employees and technological equipment.
The management board will establish annual quality and environmental objectives and monitor their implementation and compliance with the policy.
Quality and environmental objectives are elaborated by management levels, and in accordance with that, the management and employees systematically and comprehensively implement this Policy.
Quality and environmental policy is publicly announced and is available to all interested parties of Zadar Airport in order to meet their needs and develop a partnership.
Josip Klišmanić, dipl.oec.